Finn & Charley Update

HEWWWOW!  Finnackles here!  Oh, and Charlez too.  We heard round the block this week that some of you all have been asking about us!  So, we thought we’d give you a little pupdate on how we’ve been doing!  I know, I know, it’s been a while, butt we promise you that we are doing fine.

Let’s see, we’ve been dressing up – HalloweenChristmas

Hanging out with some family – Aunt L Grandma


Playing in the snow –

Finn with BootiesWrestling

Goofy Charlez

And hosting some South Africans!

Wally and Sammy's peeps!

And we’ve been going for some great walkies too, you know, keeping up in the local parks –

Dad got stuck in the mud

Now, we can’t say when and if we’ll be back full-time, cause Momma’s been a tad on the busy side.  She said she doesn’t want to bore you with the details, but sometimes humans have things happening.  So, if you feel the need to delete our page from your reader, we won’t be offended.  We’ve got nothing but lots of love for Blogville.

Night night!We hope you all are doing fine and…Till next time!