Dear Finnackles…

Have you been over to the new Blogville Chronicles?  You have to go and check it out!

The Chronicles is looking for guest writers!  Ahem, so I, Finnackles Howard, will be writing a love column for all your Blogville residents out there.  Now, I know you have a lot of questions – so please let me know what I can help you with.  I am looking forward to it, because at my tender age of 19 months, I have much advice to share with you all, like how to carry on a long distance relationship with dogs in Asia when you are in the USA, how to sniff out the best invitations for parties through peemail, and what color to stamp your paw in those Valentine’s cards.  So come on then, get to askin’!

And, if you’d like to help out with the Chronicles, be sure to drop by and let Ruthie know!